Next Generation

We believe our children are a gift from God. He created them to joyfully praise the God of our Lord Jesus Christ who made them. Come be part of what God is doing in the kids at REM.
Our vision is to make disciples of Christ, both children and families. It is our desire to see the children and families of REM brought into a saving relationship with Christ, growing in godly character, passionate about obeying their Savior and Lord and serving Him together as the body of Christ to glorify His name.
Sunday School: Teach the Bible to the kids to allow for close interaction with classmates and teachers. Class time includes crafts, games, and discussion about God’s word and what God is doing in the lives of the children.
Sunday Kids Worship: leading the kids to praise God with song, and learning about His character and greatness through Bible teaching.
AWANA: Friday program centered on the gospel, and focused on Bible memory, with worship and game time.
Registration: If you are new to REM, please fill out a “Child Registration Form” (ask the teacher in the classroom)
Illness: Out of concern for others, please keep sick kids at home. A child’s symptoms may include: runny nose, fever, or a rash.
Snack Policy: Due to allergy concerns, please don’t bring food or snacks into the classroom.
Early Arrival: if you and your child arrive before the class teacher, please stay in the classroom with your kids until teachers show up. Please do not leave your child unattended in classroom.
Pick Up Policy: For Kindergarten and under, we only release kids to authorized adults. Please refrain your kids from running in the school hallway and pick them up on time.
On Time and Faithful: we strongly encourage you to be on time and come each week to cultivate friendships between students and to help teacher know your kids.
Restrooms: to minimize class time interruption, please take your child to restroom before class.
Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6